Sunday, October 18, 2009

Coach shuffle to the left

It seems that Graham Henry was not too impressed by the quality of forward play and has now taken up the reigns to see if he can do any better.

Graham Henry will take responsibility as the forwards coach, Steve Hansen will become the attack coach and Wayne Smith will be defensive coach.

I am wondering if Graham, like the rest of the dedicated rugby public, was waiting on the much anticipated improvements to the forward ethic and play, which seems, did not eventuate. And tired of hearing the endless critisms of the lineouts, will Graham be the light at the end of the very long tunnel.

My take on the lineouts is this. Throw the ball in quicker! Don't wait for the opposition to get settled, make a decision BEFORE you get to the lineout who will take the ball, and go from there. I know, it may not be that easy, but anything is better than what we experienced during this past year.

All we want to see if a big improvement and the All Blacks actually winning their own lineouts (for a change).


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